Welcome to St. Matthew Church

The parish is the place where Jesus touches our lives through the sacraments, especially through the Eucharist which we receive weekly, while some receive daily. Jesus is the center of our life and in the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation we meet the loving and forgiving God.

As you will see, our parish is involved with the activities of many people and we try to share the responsibility of stewardship by committing our time, talents and treasure. Please consider one or two areas of service in which you will be able to serve. In this way, you will be serving the Church and making this parish your own. Remember the familiar saying, “Many hands make light work.”

Thank you for visiting our parish and I hope you have many years as a member of our special community.

Sincerely in Christ,
The parish community of St. Matthew

To stay connected with St. Matthew Parish during this difficult time, please consider our live-stream/recorded options via Facebook or YouTube at:

 St. Matthew Parish Facebook 

St. Matthew Parish YouTube

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