The Mass Intention Book for 2025 will open on Monday, May 6, 2024 at 8:30am.
For the first three months (until August 6, 2024), limits per person are no more than 5 Sunday Masses and a total of 15 Masses for 2025.
After August 6, the Intention Book is open with a total of 30 Mass Intentions per person for the entire calendar year 2025.
Instructions on Collective Mass Intentions:
Collective Mass Intentions begin January 5, 2025 for every Sunday 10am and 1:30pm Mass.
Names for multiple-intention Masses will be listed alphabetically by First Name and will be printed in two copies:
- (1) one copy placed on the altar and
- (2) one copy placed in the narthex in a display case.
The names for the Mass Intentions must be submitted at least 10 days before the date of the Mass with the usual Mass Intention stipend/donation.
February, 2025
23 Juan Baciles
January, 2025
5 Lee Walper
19 Maria T. Aquino
26 Mary Whelan