Enrollment Process for 2024-2025
Para Español, presione el buton “TRANSLATE” y escoja la bandera mexicana.
Please remember: there are two steps to complete registration of your family for Faith Formation, STEP A and STEP B.
No registration is accepted until both steps are completed (see below).
Families may register for Sunday Faith Formation at any time.
Sunday Faith Formation Registration Fee per family beginning June 16, 2024: $250
Please visit or call the Faith Formation Office regarding Registration for children’s First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation.
If you have any questions, please email the Faith Formation office – FaithFormation@stmatthewchurch.org or call (630) 469-6300 ext 318.
You will need to be familiar with the contents of the three documents below (in English or available soon in Spanish). Knowledge of their content is required for parents whose children participate in Faith Formation.
Policy Regarding Sexual Abuse of Minors and Vulnerable Adults (revised Dec 20, 2023)
Standards of Behavior for Those Working with Minors and Vulnerable Adults (revised Dec 20, 2023)
Practical Advice for Parents On Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
Normas Diocesanas Relacionadas al Abuso Sexual de Menores y Adultos Vulnerables (revisado el 20 de diciembre, 2023)
Normas de Comportamiento para los que Trabajan con Menores y Adultos Vulnerables (revisado el 20 de diciembre, 2023)
Consejos Prácticos para Padres Sobre Prevención de Abuso Sexual de Menores
Please visit or call the Faith Formation Office to register for 2024-25
Sunday Faith Formation payment: please visit or call the Faith Formation Office.
If you prefer to pay in cash or by check, please visit our Faith Formation Office in our Tasker Parish Center during regular Faith Formation Office Hours:
Monday thru Thursday 8:30am to Noon, and 1:00pm to 4:30pm.