PLEASE NOTE: The GREEN “Christmas Flowers” envelopes in the bi-monthly packet of donation envelopes you receive through the mail are GENERIC, and are NOT the ones used to celebrate two loved ones whom you wish to remember with the purchase of a poinsettia.
The TWO LOVED ONES in whose honor you wish to donate $25.00 for a poinsettia this year may be living or deceased, and those names as you clearly and legibly write them will be printed in an upcoming CHRISTMAS SEASON bulletin.
Please look for the SPECIAL envelopes in the Narthex or (if all are taken) at the Parish Center Office which have written specifically “CHRISTMAS POINSETTIA” and have two blank lines for you to write in the TWO names you would like to celebrate by having them published in an upcoming Christmas Season bulletin.
See below for an example of this SPECIAL CHRISTMAS POINSETTIA envelope underneath the explanatory text in the red-outlined box below. You may also choose to use your own envelope; however, please imitate exactly the wording on the special Christmas Poinsettia envelope below. Thank you for your love and generosity!!